One side:
"Routines are the glue that bonds life."
Routines give life a pace and a palette, a clock, a timber and tone. Like it or not, we are creatures of habit. Even if we try to break routines, the attempt to break them is a routine in itself.
I feel that for some people, routines are a difficult thing to keep to. There are also people who need routines to feel safe or secure. I place myself in the middle. I wash my drinking glasses the same way every time. I have a little routine for brushing my teeth. Yet, putting all these little routines into one big routine is difficult for me.
Now the other side:
"The essence of pleasure is spontaneity"
One person put it this way: "Routines are the tar-baby that bonds and gags life"
Having a life that is too routine and structured isn't healthy; as human beings, we do most of our growing and developing when faced with new challenges and situations.
On the other hand, a life with no consistency isn't healthy either. Many things in life only become truly rewarding after many hours of effort (or discipline, routine, whatever you want to call it).
My thoughts on this side is that my whole purpose of living is to be happy and keep from getting hurt. So by living spontaneously, I add more excitement into my life. Routines look dull and unexciting to me. Granted, reckless spontaneity can be dangerous and can hurt me, but I plan on avoiding anything reckless.
In conclusion, here is my final thought on routines vs spontaneity: I have no reason to live the same day twice. Why would I want to fill my days doing stuff I've already done? There is so much to learn! So much to discover! However, my little routines are my way of finding perfection. I'd have to say the weight of importance for these two ideas are 25%-Routine 75%-Spontaneity.
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